Boss Machine

A fictional Boss Machine that serves as a unique management application for today's most accomplished (evil) entrepreneurs.

boss machine landing page

Project Overview

In this project, I created an entire API to serve information to a Boss Machine, a unique management application for today's most accomplished (evil) entrepreneurs. I created routes to manage 'minions', brilliant 'million dollar ideas', and to handle all the annoying meetings that keep getting added to a busy schedule.

API Routes

  • Routes live inside the server folder.
  • The 'database' exists in server/db.js. The beginning database will be seeded every time the server is restarted. There is more information on working with the database and the helper functions it exports below.

Routes Required

  • /api/minions
    • GET /api/minions to get an array of all minions.
    • POST /api/minions to create a new minion and save it to the database.
    • GET /api/minions/:minionId to get a single minion by id.
    • PUT /api/minions/:minionId to update a single minion by id.
    • DELETE /api/minions/:minionId to delete a single minion by id.
    • GET /api/minions/:minionId/work to get an array of all work for the specified minion.
    • POST /api/minions/:minionId/work to create a new work object and save it to the database.
    • PUT /api/minions/:minionId/work/:workId to update a single work by id.
    • DELETE /api/minions/:minionId/work/:workId to delete a single work by id.
  • /api/ideas
    • GET /api/ideas to get an array of all ideas.
    • POST /api/ideas to create a new idea and save it to the database.
    • GET /api/ideas/:ideaId to get a single idea by id.
    • PUT /api/ideas/:ideaId to update a single idea by id.
    • DELETE /api/ideas/:ideaId to delete a single idea by id.
  • /api/meetings
    • GET /api/meetings to get an array of all meetings.
    • POST /api/meetings to create a new meeting and save it to the database.
    • DELETE /api/meetings to delete all meetings from the database.


  • Minion:
    • id: string
    • name: string
    • title: string
    • salary: number
    • Work:
      • id: string
      • title: string
      • description: string
      • hours: number
      • minionId: string
  • Ideas:
    • id: string
    • name: string
    • description: string
    • numWeeks: number
    • weeklyRevenue: number
  • Meetings:
    • time: string
    • date: JS 'Date' object
    • day: string
    • note: string